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Fundy Discovery Aquarium

Fundy Discovery Aquarium
Ocean S.T.E.A.M.
High School Career Exploration and Interest Development
Ocean S.T.E.A.M.
High School Career Exploration and Interest Development


Recommendations for Visiting Scientist Applicants

Huntsman Hospitality
Huntsman Marine takes the legendary Maritime hospitality to a whole new level by offering a focused ambiance from a historic estate on the 9th Hole of the Algonquin Golf Course, private access to the local underwater world in the Fundy Discovery Aquarium, and unique team building opportunities that you will reminisce about for years to come!
Nearly 15,000 meals are prepared and served annually by Huntsman Marine Hospitality teammates as we nourish students of all ages, colleagues participating in corporate retreats, and attendees to various special events and symposia. The heart and soul of our hospitality resonates from the historic Link’s Crest summer estate of Sir Thomas Tait, presently operated by Huntsman as the Anderson House. This once summer residence was completed in 1929 and stands out as one of the last residential projects designed by renowned Montreal architects – the Maxwell brothers – with their characteristic chateau-style architecture that blends classical and romantic motifs. Tait was the Manager of the Canadian Pacific Railroad and colleague of Sir William Van Horne, who built the Trans-Canada Railroad, thereby historically connecting the Huntsman with present day Ministers Island.
Link’s Crest has witnessed many changes in ownership and purpose over the years, including as a convalescent home for British and Canadian Air Force personnel during World War II with a staff of 30 caring for up to 35 patients on the premises. In 1970, Dr. John Anderson (a principle architect of the Huntsman) persuaded Mr. Louis Robichaud, Premier of New Brunswick, to purchase the estate from the Wilkins family to serve as a residence for visiting students, researchers and faculty to the Huntsman. The residence was then renovated for its new purpose and renamed Anderson House.
The Huntsman Upper Campus property looks much different today as we are now able to sleep up to 150 guests every night to support a myriad of education programs, retreats and Huntsman Marine Experiences™. Today, Anderson House supports dining services for high school and university students who stay in the nearby Needler Hall as our dedicated dormitory and a series of apartments. Another building was constructed to the south side of Anderson House in 2010 to provide 20 additional modern rooms for professional style accommodations. In 2020, further minor renovations provides an exceptional space for corporate retreats and a beautiful deck added to enhance outdoor dining with a panoramic view of the Town of Saint Andrews and Passamaquoddy Bay.
Our guests are never too far from marine life while immersed in learning at the Huntsman. Several wet laboratories and classrooms are available for instruction purposes within our Lower Campus premises. Eager students and professional team building retreats are able to access the Bay of Fundy from the Huntsman R/V Fundy Spray. Professional meetings may be facilitated at Anderson House while symposia are convened within the modern Fundy Discovery Aquarium Dunn Science Theatre. Unique dining opportunities abound for your special events throughout the Fundy Discovery Aquarium Galleries.
No matter what your activities entail at the Huntsman, you may always be assured that your breakfast, lunch and dinner are prepared and served with the perennial care expected over the past five decades from our Huntsman Marine Hospitality!
If you are inspired to support our outreach and education activities at Huntsman then please donate or choose other ways to support the Huntsman mission today!
Huntsman Hospitality Resources
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